Fusion PPT CEO to be Featured Speaker on Government Data Center Efficiency - Fusion PPT

Fusion PPT CEO to be Featured Speaker on Government Data Center Efficiency

Fusion PPT, a recognized cloud computing strategy and technology firm, announced today that its CEO, Michael Biddick will be a featured speaker for the InformationWeek Government Webcast: Optimizing Government Data Centers To Do More—More Efficiently.

As federal and other government agencies consolidate their data centers, a higher premium is placed on the floor space that remains. The goal may be fewer data centers, but those must also be more capable data centers. How do government agencies support growing IT demands from fewer facilities? The only answer is to optimize data centers in ways to accommodate growing workloads with increased efficiency. That may require investments in virtualization, blade servers, power and cooling systems, cloud computing, and other upgrades.

In his session, Biddick will explore strategies for data center modernization and the technologies that are central to those efforts. He will also examine a cookbook approach to achieve Data Center application efficiency, through a 7-step process.

Participants in the Webcast will also have an opportunity for a dialog with Michael Biddick alongside other industry leaders involved in data center modernization to discuss the importance of managing these distributed IT spaces including strategies for maintaining availability, energy cost savings opportunities and dealing with a lack of onsite technical resources.

To register for this event use the following link:  https://www.techwebonlineevents.com/ars/eventregistration.do?mode=eventreg&F=1005170&K=MAA3