Fusion PPT Appraised at CMMI LEVEL 3 DEV
Fusion PPT, a recognized strategy and technology consulting firm, announced today it was appraised at level 3 of the CMMI Institute’s Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)® for Development (DEV).
CMMI is a capability improvement framework that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes that ultimately improve their performance. At Level 3, processes are well characterized and understood, and are described in standards, procedures, tools and methods. CMMI ratings are used as a pre-requisite and an evaluation factor for the acquisition of government programs with significant systems and software engineering content.
“We are honored to achieve this prestigious evaluation and it represents years of hard work from our dedicated team,” stated Fusion PPT CEO, Michael Biddick. “This rating, combined with our ISO 9001:2008 certification, further cements our commitment to working at the highest levels of quality to deliver solutions on time and on budget that meet clients’ mission objectives.”
Conformance to the process areas prescribed by the SEI CMMI Capability Level 3 was appraised using the Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) approach. The SCAMPI method involves the examination of many types of evidence as well as interviews with program leaders; quality assurance and configuration management personnel; and organization and project practitioners to demonstrate standard processes are being followed.
About CMMI Institute
CMMI Institute (CMMIInstitute.com) is the global leader in the advancement of best practices in people, process, and technology. The Institute provides the tools and support for organizations to benchmark their capabilities and build maturity by comparing their operations to best practices and identifying performance gaps. For over 25 years, thousands of high-performing organizations in a variety of industries, including aerospace, finance, health services, software, defense, transportation, and telecommunications, have earned a CMMI maturity level rating and proved they are capable business partners and suppliers. To learn more about how CMMI can help your organization elevate performance, visit CMMIinstitute.com.
About Fusion PPT
Fusion PPT is an established leader in providing IT consulting and system integration services to federal organizations with challenging technology initiatives. As a privately held small business, Fusion PPT combines the best practices and expertise found at large consulting firms with a nimble, entrepreneurial and client-focused service team. Since our inception in 2009, we have contributed to the success of hundreds of IT projects, most spanning the globe in their reach and impact. Our ability to perform and add value in complex, diverse and distributed environments has earned us a solid growth rate and a reputation as a trusted, capable and results-oriented service provider.
To learn more about Fusion PPT, visit our website at www.fusionppt.com and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter.